Sometimes I feel like I might feel better if I let out my secret to my friend. Most time I want to, I simply withdraw myself from saying it. I’m mostly afraid I might be hated or judged or misunderstood or that they even tell others, just those mixed feelings. I really wish I had someone I could just confide in and tell it all to. But even if you had someone you know wouldn’t judge you if you tell them your biggest secret, would you still tell them? Even though you know it won’t be a secret anymore.
People keep secrets to avoid being judged by others. I am certain I cannot handle the surprise look Someone would give me when I tell them my big secret. They might not mean any harm nor even mean it to judge me, but the surprise look on their face would just tell me something else, and that right there is what I cannot handle. I’d rather keep my big or little secret to myself. The person you tell secrets to will also have their confidants, they most likely tell it to their confidants. Their confidants also have confidants, and before you know it, you’re all over the town. Lol. I’m already sounding irritating yeah? Just that the list goes on and on. It is highly risky letting out your secret to someone, you can never predict how they will take it. Best thing is to keep it to yourself.
First of all, if you tell me a secret for the purpose of me telling you a secret too, I will never tell you. Secrets are no longer secrets by the time at least one person knows about them. However, the anxiety that comes with some secrets could be your mind’s way of telling you to divulge it. If I tell you a secret as a friend, keeping such secret for me is the best help you can offer me, except in cases where you know such secrets might hurt someone if you as a friend don’t let it out. Although, there are times when the secret can be too big to keep for me to keep, I simply tell them to my senile grandma, just because I know they’re safe with her. At that moment of telling her those secrets, I simply tell myself “José, those are no longer secrets. You’re free”. Keeping a secret safe is a great responsibility and something that can really show that your friend can trust you.