My family always make it seem like I’m over reacting anytime I get so angry. I’m not over reacting, I’m just pissed. Angry. A lot of things make me angry, even the minutest things. Sometimes, I try to evaluate myself if I’m normal, I don’t think I’m not normal. I read it somewhere that getting angry can be healthy and therapeutic, and it is perfectly fine to get angry at things, situations and people.
Can this man just clean up the toilet after himself? Jesus Christ! I’m just so over it, there is pee on the toilet seat, on the hinge of the toilet seat, on the floor next to the toilet and all over the outside of the toilet bowl. What! It’s so disgusting! Why do I always have to clean the toilet every time before I use it? Wtf! Clean it yourself after every use. He continually tells me it’s a woman’s job to keep the house clean. Well it would be easier if I wasn’t cleaning up after a man-child who doesn’t know how to direct well and pees everywhere…anyone else’s hubby do this or it’s just mine that is the most disgusting man-child on the earth? I guess I’m right. It’s just mine. Psssst
This happened last night anyway, but then, thinking about it still kinda makes me so annoyed. I started seeing this series “Elites” and the fact that the scholar student Nadia has to be removing her “hijab” before entering the school was just too annoying to me. I was very angry when the principal of the school called her to give her the options of either to continue using her hijab and get expelled or stop using the hijab and have a peaceful stay. Whatever happened to other students using accessories with the school uniform? The fact that they made that Muslim character bend her religious-self just to fit into their “almighty” school while the other students just got away with however way they dressed to school just because they’re from rich homes got me so angry.