I know a lot of students who were great in their academics but started performing bad when they joined the SRC. Why is this so? Do they dedicate so much time to running the SRC that they tend to forget to study?
Why do students who are on the representative council perform woefully in their academics?
People that are usually involved in the SRC and other extracurricular activities are the ones that aren’t sure about their futures. These people don’t really make a lot of reforms in schools too; the school can go on without them. They somewhat do have a burden on them but this is never distracting unless the elections are nearby. Again, I am aware people who are academically-able are usually the ones involved in extracurricular activities more, but if you notice, they never sign up for something that is distracting! So a small percentage of these SRC members might as well be good students.
Time committment to the SRC is taking time away from their studies of course. Most student extracurriculars are designed to enhance the student life experience. The SRC has time demands from the students that it represents and to the University administration. If it pays a stipend it may help relieve any financial needs of the student; however, it is up to the student to make this privilege an accomplishment and not the epitome of a young career. It may be hard to rub elbows with the University’s Board of Trustees and chief administrators and return to being a lowly student; but it is the reality of life.