If you have decided to get help for your alcohol or drug abuse and have sought professional treatment, you will begin your sobriety journey. There will be obstacles while trying to stay clean, definitely. But what’s the hardest part of trying to say sober?
The hardest part is developing a new life of sobriety, moving forward with the program, taking suggestions, day by day allowing the old life to dissolve into the past only to be remembered when sharing experience with other alcoholics. What works best for me is fully embracing and accepting that I am an alcoholic and there is a solution, not one of my solutions that did not work, but a solution that is common and proven to work. Letting go of the past and embracing the present day by day trudging the road of happy destiny.
For me, the hardest part was living with myself stark raving sober. I was out of integrity in every area of my life, and alcohol was the elixir that enabled me to cope, to go on day after day. Without alcohol, I had to deal with the fallout of everything I did and did not do, and the emotional failures and hangovers.
In short, I had to grow up, and apparently, growing up is hard, and it probably gets harder to do the longer you defer it.