For me, I am tired of having to explain to everyone I meet that I’m Indian not Pakistanis. It’s almost like I have to include that anytime I’m introducing myself to someone new, “hi I’m Ahmed and I’m Indian”. It is really tiring and exhausting.
I live in Springfield, which is the Capital of Illinois not Chicago. Whenever I tell people I’m from Illinois they are like oh Chicago and I’m like no I’m from the capital and they are like isn’t that Chicago? Everyone in Illinois is not from Chicago and actually most of us aren’t from there.
Also, I hate to fact that I always have to explain to everyone and anyone that my choice to be a vegan is simply a choice. Not wanting to set some moral standards or what not. And I do not see myself over and above anyone else, especially those who eat meat. We all have our preferences, mine is to be a vegan. Please cut me some slack.
Okay, my last name is not Hughes, it’s Hugh. Christ! People never learn, never. There is Hugh, there is Hughes and there is Hughson, different names, similar or still very different spelling and pronunciation. Most times, I’d rather not mention my last name while saying my name to someone, that’s because when I tell people my name, then they go “Hugh as in Hughes?” No pls. It’s “Hugh as in Hugh”. Thanks