The COVID-19 outbreak has forced millions of students and teachers to move their learning process online. The closure of schools indefinitely makes a shift from the traditional learning environment to online learning. Although technology evolution now allows many things we haven’t believed possible, the shift to e-learning doesn’t go as smoothly as we want it to be as it appears to be sometimes frustrating. As a teacher, what are the challenges you have faced when teaching online?
The major challenge with teaching online is resources, all the students cannot be present for the online learning. Many underprivileged students do not have a laptop/desktop, proper internet connection to opt for online learning. The middle class and lower middle class may also face the same issue as the underprivileged due to the non-availability of fast internet connection at their homes. The students from small towns and rural areas can’t think of online classes due to resource crunch and no internet services.
There are many online applications that are available for online teaching but low computer literacy rate among non-IT or Science teachers/students is the biggest hurdle. Due to this teachers/students would not be able to use many applications available in the market, since they require a sound knowledge of the application. Therefore teachers, instructors, and students prefer PowerPoint, word, and video have become a popular medium. But there is a significant lack of human touch or interpersonal-interaction missing in this medium of education.
To reduce these technological barriers many companies in the industry are trying their best to create something that could make online learning interactive. The very first step is by making these applications easy to use for both content/course creator and easy to access by learners. Tools like cahoots and Raptivity helps teachers to make content interactive and easy to use. These tools have ready-made templates in which the creator could bring in the media files like audio, video, images, and text by a single click. The next steps include save and publish. voila! The interactive content is ready to use. Online meeting applications, Video recorder, Video editors (like Animoto, wevideo, kinemaster, and Exaltive) can accentuate in interactive learning.