The Christian faith is often described as a personal relationship with God. Why can’t people who are already Christians allow the non-christians find their relationship with Christ themselves without being talked into believing the faith?
Is it really the work of Christians to convince non-Christians into taking up the Christian Faith?
God does not ask us to convince anyone of anyone anywhere. Not like that anyway, you can preach peacefully and live the gospel. As a matter of fact, living the gospel is the most effective way to preach the gospel. We should not aim to convince or argue to convert people into following Jesus. This sounds too much like peer pressure. Tell the world that Jesus lives but don’t tell them they’re going to hell or their lives will be miserable if they don’t believe in Jesus.
Christians need to shine the light of Jesus. We need to live Christ lie. We need to live righteously, holy and full of Jesus. If we do this and we stick to our convictions, then other people will see it too and they will respect our relationship with God as well as our authority as Christ’s ambassadors and messengers of the good news. And not a group of people pressuring into taking up a belief they do not like or understand.
It is not your duty to convince others to follow Jesus, and be Christians. Conviction and conversion of people is basically the work of the said Holy Spirit. It is actually the Holy Spirit that has the responsibility of convincing the world.
Becoming a Christian is about entering into a right relationship with God. You can’t convince people to enter into that relationship. That is God’s responsibility. Your role is to keep pointing people to God, it is God’s role to call them to himself. If God is not calling them, then nothing you do will convince them otherwise. God needs to actually work in the lives of the people for them to become Christians. He did it in you and everyone else who becomes a Christian, and he uses people like you to foster the relationship on his behalf.