It is often said that people should keep their emotions out of the workplace, keeping a firm boundary between your personal and professional life. The problem is, this is not actually possible or even helpful to productivity. Human beings are emotional creatures, and we constantly communicate our emotions irrespective of the environment.
I’m sure there are people who work fine in almost any emotional state, but I personally work best under certain conditions, and in a certain state of mind. If I work when I’m feeling that way, I will be more productive.
If I’m overly stressed, angry, sad, or energetic, my productivity levels go down.
emotion is a brief episode of synchronized changes in mind and body which directly effects the employee’s performance. Emotions are pure human psychological phenomena. An employee is critically affected by their emotional behaviors in the workplace which ultimately affects their productivity. An employee’s emotions and overall temperament have a significant impact on his job performance, decision making skills, team spirit, and leadership and turnover. What employees feel and how they express their emotions affects their performance. Emotions directly influence decision making, creativity and interpersonal relations. Anger often leads to aggressions towards colleagues while sadness leads to dissatisfaction with the job. An emotion like anger, interest trust is not instantaneous, nor is it prolonged like a mood.