If you approach any marketer these days, you’ll be told you need an email list and you need to work hard at building that list. Part of building a successful list is sending regular email newsletters. But how do you know if the newsletters are having effects on your blog?
How do you check if your email newsletters are having great effects on your blog?
You can check out how successful your emails are by analyzing what percentage of your total website traffic comes from your email marketing campaigns. However, before you can access this metric, you’ll need to set it up in your tracking platform. For example, in Google Analytics, all traffic that comes from email will be lumped into the “direct” category unless you help Google tell the difference between email traffic and direct traffic. The effectiveness of your email marketing will have an effect on the size of your email list. If your emails are ineffective, your list size will decrease as old customers unsubscribe faster than new ones sign up. On the other hand, if your emails have a winning formula, your list size will remain steady or grow.
To measure how effective your emails are at setting up expectations, don’t just look at the emails themselves. Instead, check the bounce rate on the corresponding landing pages your emails are linking to. Bounce rate is a measurement of the percentage of website visitors who land on your page but end up leaving immediately without doing anything else. In other words, they bounce off your site without sticking.
For email campaigns that point to landing pages, bounce rate can help you determine if the message and landing page line up. The email may successfully lead the reader from one page to another, but if readers aren’t staying long on your webpage, you’ll need to reevaluate how well your email and landing page content align.