One of the most difficult situations all programmers face is deciding what programming language to work in, which frameworks to use. When you realize there are many languages to choose from, and all have their own pros and cons, it can be really difficult to decide what to pick.
It all depends on the type of project you are engaging yourself. If the project is about website designing ,then you would need JavaScript, HTML, php. If it an an app that will run on only android phones, then you will need Java and visual basic. If it is an operating system,then you will need c or c++ to help with that. All I’m saying is it all depends on the type of project you are actually doing. You can’t be doing a project about creating a game and you are using HTML or php, you have to use one that best suits the project.
Without knowing anything about the project you want to embark on, all I can suggest is that you need to use a Language that you know unless it’s not appropriate for the project. You will be much more productive if you don’t have to learn a new programming language to execute the project.