Most times when I’m looking for a vacation spot, I tend to check online and read reviews, I also follow recommendations. Most times, the places recommended are always great but there definitely are some places I’m never going to again cos they’re just overrated like that.
There are a lot of places that I’ve been to that I wouldn’t bother going back to, but I can’t think of any that I actually regret visiting.
For example, living close to beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, I would never go back to Oahu in Hawaii, and was shocked at the amount of litter along the highways and traffic jams in this otherwise island paradise. But glad I experienced it once. Mumbai is probably also a one and done for me with its almost inconceivable over-crowding, but otherwise awesome people.
I really cannot say I have ever regretted a place that I traveled to, however, one place that disappointed me greatly was San Francisco, California. Coming from the East Coast and hearing such great things about San Francisco, it just didn’t excite me. The hills made it very user-unfriendly. The conductor on one of the cable cars was yelling at passengers, the water front was, again, my opinion, nothing to be excited about.