Philosophy will surely change the way you view life entirely. There are many schools of thought that try to explain what life is, in different dimensions and points of view. From eternalism which is a belief that all moments are real-present, past and future, to presentism, belief that only the present exists. Some even believe life has no value in itself. All these conflicting thoughts come together to give meaning to what life really is. Reading about these philosophies of life will definitely change the way you look at life. Does it give a clearer view or it makes it more obscure and confusing?
While it is very clear that everyone exists on this earth for a particular period of time, it is only normal for us to want to know the purpose of living itself. We mostly live our lives doing things we consider important to give meaning to our life. These things we do form our purpose, and the meaning you give to life is your contribution to life. Many people live life as it daily comes, the only things that matter to them are the present things. I belong to this group, I do not concern myself about the things of the past nor over worry about the future. I live life each day at a take
The purpose and understanding of life is highly subjective. Philosophy will make different views available to you and make you choose whichever you want and live by it. Is life’s meaning found inherently in life itself? In the activities of life. Or is the meaning of life external to life. Going with the latter will subject one to the belief of an afterlife. That is one whole complicated topic whose answer is not certain. If life’s purpose is internal to life itself, then we simply should live life as it comes. With no worries of what comes after life. Every individual has their own personal understanding of what life is to them. Which makes the purpose of life subjective to every individual. However, different circumstances of life often alter our understanding of life.