Sometimes I feel like I might feel better if I let out my secret to my friend. Most time I want to, I simply withdraw myself from saying it. I’m mostly afraid I might be hated or judged or misunderstood ...
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Asked: September 29, 2020In: Communication
We all have weird habits that are quite uncommon. For the fear of being judged, we keep them to ourselves. However, that doesn’t stop us from being curious about what others have to hide. So, to indulge in this secret ...
Ruth Ash
Asked: September 29, 2020In: University
I need to know the top 10 universities in Texas with very low tuition fee.
Asked: September 29, 2020In: Communication
I am turning 30 in few weeks and my mom has been teasing me about finally growing old. I honestly don’t even know what she means by “finally growing old”, her teases are getting to me already. Is 30 some ...
Susan Alex
Asked: September 29, 2020In: Communication