How would you rather handle a situation where a colleague of yours is into some activities that are against the company’s policies, and you know about it—would you tell on them even if you know that could cost them their job?
Would you rat out your colleague at work even if you know it could cost them their job?
It’s actually a personal decision, whether to tell on a colleague or just zip it. I wouldn’t want to be seen as a snitch at work, moreover I am not exactly perfect on a 100 that I would be snitching on a colleague. However, if their activities seem to be having bad effect on the company of poses future threats, I will call them personally and talk to them. If they refuse to desist from such activities, then I can maturely walk up to my department head and let them know about such activities. However, one has to be very careful while doing this. This is because that person you may want to report to might also be involved in the activities. And trust me, you don’t want to become a pawn in their game.
Some things are better left unsaid. However, it is important to know that the activities of the so called colleague can be affecting or will affect the company in the nearest future, and that can put your position at the company in a very risky situation which can make you lose your own job in the long run. Also, know that whoever you rat out can never see you in a good light again, most especially if it costs them their job. You will be their enemy for life. If the activities do not affect the company or have the potentials of creating danger, I’d rather keep myself away from such situation.