These are very bitter pills to swallow, they’re however the hard truths that make up life. They are truths we constantly live by everyday, no matter how hard or bitter. They are the facts about life that we have no control over, they are just beyond us.
Life is never fair. It’s up to you to make it fair for yourself and those whom you care about.
“Treat others as you would have yourself treated” doesn’t work with most people because they will always be looking out for themselves, and they’ll screw you over if they gain some lucrative advantage
Most people will judge you very harshly for every mistake you make, no matter how small.
Searching for happiness prevents you from finding it. The past can’t be changed. The future hasn’t happened yet. The only thing that exists is the present moment. Chasing happiness means you’re not living in the moment. You believe that happiness exists outside yourself.
Nothing matters when you are gone. Someday, you’ll realize that all the stuff you spent your life worrying about doesn’t matter anymore.
Winston Churchill says it best:
“When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.” – Winston Churchill
Talent goes to waste if you let it. If you have a God-given gift, or you want to learn a new talent, don’t wait. Nurture it and be proud of it.
“Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.” – Roy T. Bennett
Time is the most precious thing in your life.You will never have enough time. Do the best you can with what you have
The perfect partner doesn’t exist. The important question is if there is the perfect partner, one who knows when one needs to sleep, eat, play, one who knows and understands all your strength and weaknesses, one who loves you even when you don’t deserve it. Well, the definition might be relative but it still remains that no one is perfect not to talk of a perfect partner or perfect relationship. If you want a perfect partner, then, ask yourself if you are perfect. The bitter truth here is that there is no one out there perfect for you.
Life is a game
We don’t always have everything we ever want or desire. Everyone desires something good, nice, beautiful ride, befitting house, the perfect wife or husband, cute children and so on, unfortunately, not all of us would have this and to those that would have it, they don’t have it all. Life has learnt to give us just only the part of what we wanted or desired. Everyone is running a race, we are all trying to make it, looking for businesses to venture into, taking risks and the likes but not all would work.
You need to love and accept yourself unconditionally
Unconditional self-love gives you the courage to go after your dreams, because you’ve got insurance – you know that no matter what the outcome, you love yourself deeply.
The busier life gets, the more you need stillness
Slow down. Take a deep breath. Spend one minute doing nothing. Meditate. Tap into your inner stillness and it will bring a sense of peace, calm and flow to everything you do.
Everyone is fighting their own battle
Judging or criticizing others is a waste of energy. Show understanding for their point of view, compassion for their situation, acceptance of who they are and above all, love.
The world is a reflection of your dominant thoughts
If you believe the world is a hostile place, it will be. If you believe the world is a friendly, loving and abundant place, it will be.
Your capacity to love is unlimited
Love is like a flame. You can light one person’s candle, or you can light a 100 -your flame will continue to burn brightly. And the world looks more beautiful the more candles you help to light up.
Life is overflowing with beauty and blessings
Unfortunately we too often fail to see them, distracted by our circling thoughts or preoccupied with what we don’t have instead of what we do have.
Comparison is the death of joy
Life would be pretty dull if every restaurant was the same, every summer was the same, every partner was the same. Enjoy things for what they are, not what they’re not.
Happiness is a choice
Your happiness is within your control. Understand this and it will transform your life.