Most people are familiar with the classic teas such as green, black, peppermint and the likes l, but there’s actually a true tea that recently gained popularity and scientific acclaim. White tea first emerged in Asia and achieved popularity in the West only in the last 200 years or so.
The ancient Chinese called white tea the elixir of immortality, because they knew about its beneficial properties. Thanks to the results of modern research, scientists have found that white tea contains a large amount of vitamins and other nutrients. Young leaves of white tea are processed the least, so the beneficial properties of tea are well preserved. This drink has an antibacterial effect, slows the aging process of the skin, accelerates wound healing and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. White tea quenches thirst very well in hot weather. It perfectly strengthens the immune system and improves mood. It is believed that regular consumption of white tea helps to cope with stress and overcome depression, because it helps to calm and relax the body.
Also, white tea, unlike other types of tea, can lower cholesterol levels.
White tea seems to be one of the best types of teas for fighting free radicals. In fact, studies suggest white tea has similar antioxidant benefits to green tea, which is known for its health benefits. White tea is packed with polyphenols, which have antioxidant benefits. They help reduce chronic inflammation by protecting the body against damage from free radicals. While these results suggest white tea may help lower your risk of heart disease, it’s also important to make other lifestyle changes for a healthy heart. These include eating more fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly and getting plenty of rest.