The UK is currently at a crucial point, with infection rate getting so high and deaths increasing, how well can the UK handle this second wave of this global pandemic?
The UK is already experiencing the second wave of the Covid-19, how prepared is the UK and her citizens for this second wave?
The second wave is here, but it need not be a repeat of the first. Infections are on the rise and so too are hospital admissions and deaths. There can be no doubt the second wave is now well and truly here. What remains to be seen is just how bad it will be. There are other factors which mean the UK is in a stronger position than earlier in the year, so the deadly toll seen in the spring can and should be avoided this winter. A combination of better treatments for the seriously ill, the social-distancing measures introduced across society, and the fact the UK is better prepared to protect the most vulnerable.
There is more testing and PPE available for care homes, while vulnerable groups in the community will be taking more precautions than they were when the UK walked blind into the first wave. It is now pretty clear the virus was spreading widely before the alarm was raised in March. The odds are certainly stacked in our favour more than they were six months ago.
UK was not prepared for the first wave of the pandemic. However, you should be aware that health is an all round responsibility. Scotland, and Wales seem to coped with the first wave reasonably well. Northern Ireland had probably the best statistics per head of population. England in particular had a very bad first wave. I don’t think that any part of the UK is properly prepared for the next wave.