My boyfriend is quite protective of me, but now he doesn’t even let me have friends, even female ones, he keeps nagging, I want to have friends even though I love my boyfriend but how can I manage this? Should i break up with him altogether?
wow, men and their audacities, he probably feels entitled to you and wants to dictate your life, hence the “protection”, from experience, these kind of people have the tendency to move on to become quite violent and harmful so I suggest you run now.
Some men are naturally over protective, this behavior could have been learned growing up, it could have been as a result of losing loved ones or even simply misplaced intentions, he might have an irrational or overplayed fear of losing you and as such doesn’t want you interacting with other people, he could also have jealousy issues so you can have a well meaning conversation with him and express your concerns. I hope you are able to resolve this.