Two nights ago, my son immediately ran up to me after seeing that my boyfriend stepped out. He was so shaken up and sad, I knew something was wrong. Then he told me what he’s been going through, I don’t know how to approach this issue. I don’t want to my boyfriend to suspect my son told me anything, I want to catch him in the act and call the police on him.
How do I approach this— my 9year old son told me my boyfriend touches him whenever I’m not around. What should I do?
Sorry about your son but you need to really bring him to a doctor to get checked, and make sure nothing has happened to him. Please, you really need to listen to your child. He is too young to be making something up like that. I mean think about how and why a nine year old would come up with such a story like that. Before it is too late, you have to get rid of your boyfriend. Or you will regret it. Get your son counseling, it is very important.
Get rid of the boyfriend and let the counselor can help you from there. Don’t put your son in harms way. It really, is not necessary to be living with some guy when your son is just 9. You are better off with your son, than with some horndog hanging around for free nooky. He’s a bloody molester, that’s it. Talk to the police about your concerns, and see if they can give you some advice as to what it would take to terminate the molester.
Sorry about your son but you need to really bring him to a doctor to get checked, and make sure nothing has happened to him. Please, you really need to listen to your child. He is too young to be making something up like that. I mean think about how and why would a nine year old come up with such a story like that. Before it is too late, you have to get rid of your boyfriend. Or you will regret it. Get your son counseling, it is very important.