Ridiculous, I know…I’m just being curious about how crossdressers handle public washroom situations. Does a male crossdresser use the male washroom or female? Likewise the female crossdressers. Or they just don’t use public washrooms anyway?
Cross-dressing is simply a form of gender expression not gender identity, so I really see no reason why there should be washroom issues with crossdressers. Otherwise it is trans. So unless you are using the term because you don’t know yet and you’re questioning your gender identity you should use the restroom for birth gender. If however you are feeling more feminine in your gender identity as well as your gender expression or more masculine as the case may be for some then use the appropriate bathroom, but if you just use the opposite bathroom because you’re wearing the opposite gender clothes, then you are doing more harm than good. As you may be taken as wanting to take advantage of women if you use their washroom while dressed as one of them but you’re a male.
This is a situation all crossdressers must definitely think through thoroughly well before going out. I have a cross dresser as a friend and he always try as much as possible to avoid the situation. He always try to find a place with a single person washroom, that way, he doesn’t have issues whatsoever. But there have been a couple of occasions where he had to use a multi person washroom. Fortunately, nothing of serious consequence happened. He just acted womanly, like she was supposed to be there. Women have their own “code of ethics” for washrooms and all other places and situations and to be truly a woman, you have to observe and study them. And definitely think like them. It’s a process to get rid of masculinity.