How do I deal with the insecurities I have about my body? Anytime someone passes a comment like “you look pretty” or “you hot”, I kind of feel they’re lying. But why would a stranger wanna lie to me? A part of me wanna believe that I look hot indeed, but I really just can’t bring myself to accept that. There are some clothes I don’t wear cos I feel my body won’t look great in them. Not because I won’t look great in them, but I’ve made myself believe I won’t look great in them.
Confidence comes from within. You may feel motivated or inspired by someone but ultimately, it’s how you perceive yourself and what you believe about yourself that gives you confidence. Insecurity exists when we don’t truly know who we are. We fear what we love the most, because we’ve never given ourselves the opportunity to step out and try. It’s rooted in fear and in a lack of self worth. We don’t believe that we are worthy. The only way you will overcome your insecurities, is to step into your vulnerability and take chances. Give yourself the gift of seeing and learning who you are and what you’re made of.
Most people, women usually, feel they need to look a certain way. No one is perfect all the time, even models. Those of us who lived through eating disorders and insecurities wish we valued ourselves more. But what you can do is think of who you are as a person. You are not your body alone. You are someone who has value, thoughts, opinions, experiences, emotions and so much to give. But also, your body serves you. You nourish it, and it moves you and lets you experience great things in this life, and we should honor that. My advice is to remind yourself daily of things you like about yourself, not just physically, but who you are as a person.