This was my “go to” when I was a teenager. I used it to have fun with my friends then, the looks on the cashiers’ faces used to be everything. We didn’t need to know them, infact we didn’t know many of them. We just had our fun, okay. Have you ever picked any item from a store just to make the cashier uncomfortable?
Have you ever bought any item from a store just to make the cashier uncomfortable?
One time myself and two friends (guys) were going away for a long weekend of diving. The best way to put on a wet wetsuit is to wear something underneath that allows the wetsuit to slip over your legs even if it is wet. Nowadays you would wear a lycra suit but back then we used to use plastic shopping bags to get our legs into the suits but the best was to use pantyhose because they went all the way up your legs. So there we were in a 4WD with a boat on the back heading away for an extended diving trip.
We decided that we needed some pantyhose to allow us to get into our wetsuits if they didn’t dry out between dives, so we stopped by a small rural town and went into the local pharmacy. Being unfamiliar with the sizing and range of pantyhose available we stood in front of the rack for quite sometime looking at what was available. The young female assistant was watching us and could overhear our conversation— she had a a quizzical look on her face at this time. Eventually we approached the counter with a couple of pairs of pantyhose each – all in the largest sizes possible, so obviously for ourselves. As we were waiting to pay one of my guys asked me “When was the last time you renewed the filters?” I replied “I can’t remember but it was awhile ago” so he asked the assistant for a packet of Modess. In those days in Australia they were not on display and available only on request. The embarrassed assistant placed a plain brown paper wrapped package on the counter before us and my friend then asked again “I don’t suppose you have a jar of honey?”
The look on the face of the assistant was priceless!
The other day during my lunch break at work, I decided to buy a banana for lunch. I remembered that I’d planned to visit another store after work to purchase some pantyliners so I headed over to the personal care section, as I picked up the pantyliners I saw the petroleum jelly. That reminded me that my psoriasis had been itchy all day so I grabbed it as well and headed to the checkout. The cashier frowned a bit but didn’t comment as she scanned the items and I paid. As I collected my stuff and headed to the door, I heard an odd choking noise behind me, as I looked back, it was the cashier and the other person trying to pay for some items bought laughing at me and pointing at my stuff
That’s when it hit me. I’m a female and I’d just purchased a banana, some petroleum jelly, and a package of pantyliners.