I can’t always help but wonder if indeed God was created or something. I mean he created humans, so who created him?
Crextio.com Latest Questions
I’m an atheist, I don’t like the thought of having some sort of being I don’t have enough knowledge of controlling me. Is this okay?
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What does the phrase “hand of God” mean? It is commonly used in the religious sect.
The inner peace I experience from communing with God is a great assurance that I am of God. It keeps me going and gives me a big rest of mind. What about you?
I admire people who speak in tongues and even though I’ve trying to help myself do likewise, I’ve not been able to. How do I learn how to speak in tongues?
I believe in God but I don’t want to be a part of a religious system like Christianity, does this affect my faith in any way?
The government of Switzerland is having a plan to ban full face covering in public places which includes burqa and hijabs. What are your thoughts on this?
I grew up in a church where you could be asked to stop coming to church if you come out of the closet and the congregation happen to know about it. The church back then didn’t deem the LGBTQ individuals ...