Was Jesus Christ said to be a blood relation of John the Baptist?
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The shroud of Turin is a piece linen clothing that appeared to have the image of a man, that is believe to be Jesus Christ. How true is this? It is believed to be the only evidence that Jesus lived ...
Should a non-Christian be allowed to marry a Christian?
Are children allowed to make their own choice when it comes to practicing a certain religion?
Does the Bible have a ground or take on gay relationships?
Did Elijah die or not? It wasn’t exactly recorded that he died in the Bible.
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It is believed that a lot of weird things will occur when the end time comes. Some religious persons have said the Corona virus might be a sign of the end time.
It’s often a serious hot debate about whether tithing should be made from loans or not. If you look at it, it’s a loan, that you’d be required to return at some point in time. So do you remove tithe ...
It is a matter of compulsion to baptize a new born if you are a catholic?