I know a lot of students who were great in their academics but started performing bad when they joined the SRC. Why is this so? Do they dedicate so much time to running the SRC that they tend to forget ...
Crextio.com Latest Questions
I am looking for a very good university in Finland that offers culinary degree. I’m not an EU citizen so I know I’ll have to pay for tuition and all. Which means I’m not necessarily looking for government owned university, ...
Yeah, my parents are bent on picking a study field for me. I find it very annoying but there is really nothing much I can do, I mean, they’re paying for it. But can I at least find some little ...
She’s never happy to go to school, always go sad and come back sad. There was a morning she cried and said to me “mommy, I don’t wanna go there anymore”. I was so heart broken I decided to let ...
I would like to know if there are scholarship schemes available for international students in Nigeria, and if there are, pls kindly list them out.
Who are those eligible for the US students’ college loans? Are the loans restricted to only US Students or international students (from different continents and countries) studying in the US can also benefit from such loans??
When you talk about creating wiki articles or pages then you need to realize the fact that the creation of a wiki page or article is extremely difficult. Many people or wiki writers fail to get their wiki pages or ...
Talking about sex plays a big role in children’s sex education. At what age is it appropriate to start teaching my kids sex education?
All parents want their children to do well in life, this isn’t why some don’t leave the decision of choosing a career all to their children. They often step-in in making such decisions for them, mostly because of their experience ...