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What are the bitter truths of life?
The perfect partner doesn’t exist. The important question is if there is the perfect partner, one who knows when one needs to sleep, eat, play, one who knows and understands all your strength and weaknesses, one who loves you even when you don’t deserve it. Well, the definition might be relative butRead more
The perfect partner doesn’t exist. The important question is if there is the perfect partner, one who knows when one needs to sleep, eat, play, one who knows and understands all your strength and weaknesses, one who loves you even when you don’t deserve it. Well, the definition might be relative but it still remains that no one is perfect not to talk of a perfect partner or perfect relationship. If you want a perfect partner, then, ask yourself if you are perfect. The bitter truth here is that there is no one out there perfect for you.
Life is a game
We don’t always have everything we ever want or desire. Everyone desires something good, nice, beautiful ride, befitting house, the perfect wife or husband, cute children and so on, unfortunately, not all of us would have this and to those that would have it, they don’t have it all. Life has learnt to give us just only the part of what we wanted or desired. Everyone is running a race, we are all trying to make it, looking for businesses to venture into, taking risks and the likes but not all would work.
You need to love and accept yourself unconditionally
Unconditional self-love gives you the courage to go after your dreams, because you’ve got insurance – you know that no matter what the outcome, you love yourself deeply.
The busier life gets, the more you need stillness
Slow down. Take a deep breath. Spend one minute doing nothing. Meditate. Tap into your inner stillness and it will bring a sense of peace, calm and flow to everything you do.
Everyone is fighting their own battle
Judging or criticizing others is a waste of energy. Show understanding for their point of view, compassion for their situation, acceptance of who they are and above all, love.
The world is a reflection of your dominant thoughts
If you believe the world is a hostile place, it will be. If you believe the world is a friendly, loving and abundant place, it will be.
Your capacity to love is unlimited
Love is like a flame. You can light one person’s candle, or you can light a 100 -your flame will continue to burn brightly. And the world looks more beautiful the more candles you help to light up.
Life is overflowing with beauty and blessings
Unfortunately we too often fail to see them, distracted by our circling thoughts or preoccupied with what we don’t have instead of what we do have.
Comparison is the death of joy
Life would be pretty dull if every restaurant was the same, every summer was the same, every partner was the same. Enjoy things for what they are, not what they’re not.
Happiness is a choice
See lessYour happiness is within your control. Understand this and it will transform your life.
What are the most beautiful things to do when alone?
Take a Shopping Trip Alone Dial down any shopping stress by taking the trip alone. Other people can slow you down or pressure you to hurry up, and you can end up missing out on the best clothes or deals. Take a leisurely trip alone and take your time trying everything on: you are likely to have a grRead more
Take a Shopping Trip Alone
Dial down any shopping stress by taking the trip alone. Other people can slow you down or pressure you to hurry up, and you can end up missing out on the best clothes or deals.
Take a leisurely trip alone and take your time trying everything on: you are likely to have a great day and find something you love.
Finish That Project
If you are feeling proactive, head to a coffee shop and finish off anything you’ve been putting off. You will feel accomplished and proud as soon as you have finished.
Binge-watch a TV Show You Love
The best part about watching television alone is that you can watch whatever you want, no matter how shameful and embarrassing it is. Put on your comfiest clothes, get some snacks and put your feet up for hours of guilt-free viewing.
Try New Recipes
Cook a new dish you’ve been eyeing up; you don’t have guests to let down if it goes wrong, and if it goes right you can eat it all yourself. This is a fun way to hang out by yourself, and you may become a cooking pro in the process.
Explore Your Local Museum
You may be put off visiting your local museum due to bad school trips and annoying tour guides, but you may have a totally different opinion after you have visited alone. Museums are filled with interesting and fascinating objects. And you can take your time to appreciate the things you really enjoy – without a tour guide telling you to move on.
Body maintenance
Let’s face it, we all have times when we let our personal grooming slide a little, whatever our gender.
Life gets busy, and we have a million and one things to do. So, this is one golden time for you to find yourself kicking your heels, have a maintenance session.
Shave, wax, pluck, exfoliate, moisturize… do whatever it is you want or need to do. It will empower you and boost your confidence.
Learn a language
Okay, since you have good three weeks to yourself, you can commit to learning a new language. You start by finding a method that suits you and get started. Commit to spending a certain amount of time learning that new language from scratch, or refreshing your memory of one you’re already familiar with.
Start a workout program at home.
See lessA basic workout program doesn’t need to involve an expensive gym membership, it just needs to involve personal initiative. After all, many of the most effective exercises like running, walking, sit-ups, prone lifts, push ups, jumping jacks and so on do not involve any exercise equipment at all. Before you get started, make sure you’re in good health.