As much as it is written in the 10 commandments that “thou shall not have any other god aside me(the supreme God)”, the Catholics seems to have made a god out of the Virgin Mary as she has been ascribed many titles such as “the mother of God” and “the intercessor”.
Why does it seem like the Catholics have idolized the Virgin Mary, as they pray to Her and see Her as the only intercessor between them and Jesus.
Catholics do not idolize or worship the Virgin Mary. She has appeared to many people down the centuries and always for a reason. At Guadalupe she asked for a Church to be build where she stood and when the authorities didn’t believe the boy a large bunch of roses fell at their feet. In other places she taught the children to pray the Rosary saying how powerful a prayer it is against Satan. She still appears to visonaries in Medjugorie today with messages for us and they can be seen in the internet every day. We do Not worship her. We do honour her for what she did for us when she said ‘yes’ to God. She tells us that she has been given Divine Grace from her Son for us. We just need to pray to receive them which will go before us for our entry into Heaven. She cares so much for us. Jesus made her our Mother as He suffered on the cross. She will intercede for us when we ask her and God won’t refuse her anything. She isn’t just Our Lady of Guadalupe, she is Our Lady of Lourdes, of Fatima, Queen of Heaven, Queen of Peace…. She has well over 100 titles and is very special in God’s eyes and should also be in ours. We honour her we do not idolise her. We worship God and God alone.
First of all, Praying to Saints is asking them to pray for us, because we believe they are in Heaven, and if they’re not, other people who are in Heaven will hear our prayers.
We don’t worship the Virgin Mary. We Honour her as the Mother of God. Jesus Honoured her. Why don’t you? We ask her for intercession because she is the new Eve. She has been given authority over the demons, and has displayed miraculous power in various Marian Miracles throughout the history of the Church.