I once visited a friend of mine who was in a nursing college in Ontario. When I got there, I was so jet lagged, so I decided to run a warm bath before anything. I opened the drug cabinet to find myself some relieving tablets, then I saw some dark stuff behind the drug containers. Looked like voodoo, those fetish stuff. I was able to spend two days with her before I ran back to my base.
What strange thing did you ever see in someone’s house that made you vow never to go there again?
I had to go to a colleague’s house to finish up on a project from work, not like we were cool, we were just colleagues at work. Anyway, we finished with the paper works, and I opted to leave. He convinced me to stay, then I entered his main living room, as we were reliving moments at work, I noticed that he has a Ouija board nailed to his door. That creeped me out so big. I honestly believe that playing with a Ouija board is dangerous. Anyway, I forgot the reason he gave as to why he had it nailed to the door, but I’ve always wondered if he used it as a beckoning to let Spirits in or something. I had a really weird feeling being in that place, I was only there once, but I would definitely not go there again because of it.
There were cockroaches everywhere! I opened up the microwave and the inside was covered in them. It was like something out of a horror film. I couldn’t imagine trying to eat there or sleep there. Gave me a creepy, crawly feeling just seeing them and two adults lived there! Then there was the iron skillet on the stove with at least 1/2 inch of grease in the bottom of it, which told me they fried and ate their food cooked in that much grease and yes, cockroaches were all over the stove too. This couple lived in an inner city area that was very impoverished and the couple were disabled as well as being elderly. It saddens me to know that many, many live in this type of condition. They deserve better. As I am sure, living in this type of environment affects their overall health because of the unsanitary conditions.