As a student at any level of education, you could utilize your leisure period for other side jobs, which would not only add to your set of skills but also bring you extra funds. There are several good ideas a student can put to use to earn a little extra cash. However, some students can do this better than the rest. For instance, you can run at least two lucrative side jobs, but it is best you venture into the side jobs you would be productive at and not overwhelmed by the number of targets you are to hit.
These are the top 10 most lucrative side jobs most preferable for students.
1. Photography: Photography is a non-time-consuming, lucrative skill that can be combined with studies effectively. Money can be earned by charging people a reasonable price for each picture snapped physically or by posting pictures of popular places or beautiful natural environments for sale on virtual platforms.
2. YouTube Blogging: Students can earn money on this app by creating a channel, uploading engaging videos, and attracting a large number of subscribers to watch the videos on the channel.
3. Freelance writing: one of the most flexible and profitable side hustles for students is selling writing services to clients. This can help with income generation and allow the freelance writer to concentrate on his or her studies. Some of the platforms that assist in connecting writers to clients who need their services are, Upwork, and Fiverr. On these platforms, clients would provide details such as the type of project, the amount of money to be paid and the duration of the project. The freelance writers can indicate their interest in a particular project, then get paid upon completion.
4. Online surveys: Online survey websites such as Survey Junkie are websites that pay students for survey fields. Money is made by registering on these sites and filling out surveys.
5. Podcasting: Students can make money regularly by setting up a podcast channel on a podcast site or application where you can constantly share interesting and useful content. By posting relevant content on the channel, students can attract a lot of listeners and, utilizing this, generate funds for educational expenses and other additional needs.
6. Application writing: Students can earn money by writing CVs, cover letters, and application letters for other people. Some platforms are available that can connect students and clients who offer opportunities to students who can write application documents, review and edit their cover letters, articles, and other documents for a fee.
7. Tutoring: A student can earn extra money by tutoring other students. This can be done by organizing tutorials on subjects which are of great interest to others or on subjects which others find difficult to understand. To participate in this, students to be tutored or wishing to participate in the tutorials would be required to pay a stipulated amount for each lesson or series of lessons.
8. Graphic design: Students who sell their graphic design services and designs on virtual platforms can earn money. Students can also earn money on Canva by registering as contributors and selling their illustrations and designs.
9. E-book publication: By doing this a student can choose a particular area of interest or study and then write about it. In order to attract enough readers, the student should research efficiently, write on a topic or subject in which he or she has substantial knowledge, and also edit properly.
10. Blogging: By doing this, you can generate a lot of money by writing quality content. All you need to do is to create a WordPress blog and, once the site starts generating a significant amount of traffic, you can then proceed to monetize it. Some other ways you can monetize blog content include selling sponsored blog posts, getting paid to write reviews, engaging in affiliate marketing, creating a private forum, creating a questions and answers community, selling E-books on WordPress and lots more.
As a student, you can try any of these side jobs as they are less time-consuming, which can be combined with education. It is also going to assist students in gaining exposure outside the four walls of an institution and enable them to go after their passions.