How to know if your Husband is a serial cheat
Cheating happens for a variety of reasons including; boredom, or just feel emotionally disconnected from their partners. It’s important to also recognize that some people cheat because they can and for no reason. These people are called serial cheats and spotting them a first sight can be so difficult. This is why we have crafted out these signs to help you act rightly when finding out your spouse is in this category.
Transparency is not in their DNA: serial cheaters are not always transparent. They tend to cover up a lot of secrets from their wives. However, it is important to understand that privacy and keeping secrets mean different things. Most of the time, serial cheat do a lot more than just keeping their privacy. If you see signs like someone hiding their phone, putting phones on silence and possibly hiding them or turning the phone screen upside down when they are with you are most likely hiding something from you.
He brings his phone everywhere with him.
Though it should come as no surprise that most adults bring their phones practically everywhere with them if your husband is suddenly insisting that he needs his phone when he showers, it could be a sign he’s hiding something like an affair. “It’s not difficult to imagine that cell phones harbour wealth of information, including texts, videos, and e-mails. Hiding a cell phone or taking it to the bathroom or even on the shortest trip to take out the trash is a red flag. It means that the partner doesn’t want us to see something,” says sex therapist Dr Damian Sendler, MD, PhD.
Gets bored too easily
A serial cheating husband may often time have the propensity to get tired and bored of being in a relationship.
Hates commitments so enjoy keeping things light
This group of individuals neither like things hot. They are just in the picture for the fun and are not ready to promise commitment, give assurance, set high expectations, emotional investment, and develop deeper commitment. When you notice your man will rather enjoy light conversations that will make him keep his relationship less demanding.
Downplays the seriousness of infidelity
When your husband justifies infidelity, such a person is likely to be a serial cheat and will most likely cheat on you at the slightest opportunity. If you are with such a person you should be careful to watch out for what he is also doing.
They are deceitful: when you are married to a serial cheat, deception is one of their key attributes. They speak so many lies including telling you downgrading stories of their ex before you. If your husband is of the attitude of downplaying his ex’s claiming they were unreasonable, addicted, selfish, crazy or just mean, and it was always the other person’s fault; and your date takes no responsibility, you can be sure that you may be next.
They are proud, arrogant and love to feel entitled: Serial cheaters can exhibit a grandiose sense of relevance. They tend to believe that they are special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people.
It may be hard to spot these behaviours at first, but if you’re with someone who has a similar attitude, you may want to pay attention and think about whether they fit the profile.
lack of remorse and empathy
When your significant other is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others, they may be cheaters and as such you will need to pay attention to other signs.
In some situations, they also lack remorse when confronted with making mistakes and hurting the feelings of their partner.