I never have chance to go to church due to the nature of my work. But I try as much as possibly to maintain my personal relationship with God whichever way.
Am I still on track if I don’t go to church but I believe in the Holy Trinity and that Jesus died for me?
I was raised in a situation like this. My parents had Christian beliefs but never felt the need to become part of a church community, so instead they sent us to a religious private school and exposed us to church that way. They always said that they felt in their experience that churches were often too exclusive and weren’t really encouraging the godly values they wanted to show us. They also felt that religious beliefs are individual and not only can you show God praise in your own time; but with your own actions, out in your community etc.
I have a lot of religious friends and most of them go to church. The real question you have to ask yourself in my opinion is: “Does not going separate me from God or separate me from being able to learn or grow in my faith?” And that goes for any religion. I am a Christian, but I am also open to understanding and being mindful of other religions, I spend a lot of time researching other religions so I can understand their outlooks and faiths even though they may be different from your own. Some will say that not going to church makes you a “bad” believer, but religious beliefs are personal and they don’t determine whether you have faith or not. For some people in some congregations they are yet to even find their connection with God.
I find that there are far more people from my generation who do not really like going to church for various reasons. Ranging from music, to worship style, to simply not wanting to take 2 to 3 hours out of their day. To be honest, until I truly found God, I did not like church either. Even though I believed in God. Theres a difference between belief in God and finding Him. Anyways, even today, even as I currently Pastor a church, there are still those days I wake up and think “I really dont want to go today.” Church exists for many reasons. It exists to teach you, to uplift you, to disciple you. But it also exists for you to help others. Church is there for you to eventually teach, uplift, and disciple. My advice to you is to find a Biblically ground, firm church that you can freely worship in and to attend regularly. There are a lot of options out there that are good churches of God. There is one that will meet your individual specific needs.