Some relatives will never let you have your space, it has always been that way from way back. They always wan to know what you’re up to, how much is your income, what you do and all. How do you handle such nosy relatives?
How do you deal with nosy relatives who seem to always want to be in your business?
You can choose to smile broadly and tell them it is none of their business or you invent some lies that embarrass them so thoroughly that they never dare ask you again. I personally prefer the lie since it is way more fun. And since they pokenose too much, you should also give them the lies…winks
As much as families are well meaning in many cases, but then you are an adult and it’s your within your right to choose to tell everyone something personal or not. And who you tell is always at your own discretion too.
Therefore be selective of whom you tell your private matters to, and keep your cards close to your chest until you realize that you are 100% sure you may wish to discuss something going on on your personal life. Even then, exercising some further discernment as to who to disclose a matter to, is always wise, and may save you heartache or conflicts later. If you still find you are having issues, maybe you need to personalise things and speak quietly to each individual family member to gage their understanding and see where they are coming from, and hopefully you can talk it out to come to some resolve. Everything done in love and understanding, is always more productive than anything ever done in haste, hate, or resentment.